greediness kills!


a new year – Chinese style

I know the title doesnt make much sense, but I liked it. I know it should be a Chinese new year, or something along those lines. But it just didnt flow for me. For those that werent able to make it to this dinner because they had their own, here is what went down:

(I do have a few pix, which I'll post later.)

The pre-Chinese new year feast came and went in its glory. Dad made the food. As usual, it was excellent. We didnt eat much of the vegetables, but then again, we never do. Dad packed us some leftovers. I LOVE THAT MAN! Dinner was at 6pm, but I got there about 10 minutes late. HG got here 10 minutes later. Eric arrived by 6pm with about 6-8 bottles of wine. I dont remember the exact number. HG also had 2 bottles. As mentioned earlier, the food was delicious, and we gobbled as we always did. There was lots of talking, but for some reason, there was about 2 minutes of silence. That was very weird. There's never been any type of silence during dinner with this family, even before the kids were born. I'm sure that's normal for other people, but I felt very awkward. I made a comment that it was quiet, which ruined it.

After dinner, the men (minus Dad) stayed in the kitchen and yapped it up. A bottle of wine had been opened during dinner, but during their long conversations, another bottle or two or three were opened up. I stayed in the living room with the kids and mom. Dad was busy cleaning. We, half-heartedly, told him to go rest and that we'll clean up. I LOVE THAT MAN! Well, he cleaned up nicely, packed us some leftovers, and took out dessert. Along with his freezer-load of ice cream, there were oranges, and an awesome cheesecake from Eric's mom. (Thanks, Mrs. R.!- Don't worry, I asked also Eric to thank his mom for us. Who'da thunk it? I thought she was on the outs with this family, considering that we stole Eric from her family.) Anyway, we ate lots of ice cream, and eventually parts of the cheesecake.

Jay had his uncles playing an Avatar computer game, where you blow up your opponents pagoda. That little man is a cheater, but he's pretty decent. He kicked my butt in the game, but lost to his uncles. Let me tell you, those men are ruthless. They dont care that they're winning over a 7 year old boy. I had Jay playing Super Mario World 3 on PG's GameBoy, but he kept having me help him on levels he couldnt pass. Kay was all over the place.

After the kids were done yelling and beating everyone (yes, I said EVERYONE), it was time for them to go to bed. That was around 10:25pm. (Dinner was at 6:30pm, and devoured by 7pm-ish. This means there were lots of talking and playing. Dont worry, Oda, HG & I took loads of pix with your camera.) As Eric brought the kids upstairs to put them to bed, we were on our way out (Dad had the car warming). Of course, the rest of the men wanted to finish drinking, so I went out to turn the car off. PG & HG took it upon themselves to teach Steve a drinking game. I believe it's called "Chai Mui" (I'm not sure of the pinying, but from my 5 months of Mandarin, I think it's right). Even though he played it in English, he did learn how to say '5', '10', '15', 'open', and 'nothing' in Cantonese. He also learned 'listen up', and that PG is real good at the game (although he's unethical). It did take him a while to remember it, but mainly because they kept opening bottles and drinking. There was lots of trash talking. In the end, one whole unopened bottle and 3/4 of another bottle were left.

PG was supposed to go out, but obviously did not. I ended up driving HG, and myself and Steve, home. HG tried to moon some guy who cut us off, which led to Steve wanting to do it also. I started hitting both of them to stop. Eventually, HG put his belt back on, and Steve, begrudgingly, did the same. I took a scenic route back home because I didnt want to get on the FDR. The scenic route in the city sucks because there was traffic and potholes a'plenty. All through the highway, and until I got home, I was a total biotch and cut off anyone and everyone. Hey, I had to make up for all the time lost taking that stupid detour.

The next one we have should be even funner because HG should be graduating, and Oda should be pregnant. :-X ......I kid I kid.


Having Fun at the Parade

Daddy and Ryan at the Chinese New Year parade in Chinatown.

Having Fun at the Parade

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A Sham Christmas

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Christmas with the Shams was celebrated by gathering a hot pot of boiling water and cooking our meats, veggies, dumplings and noodles. Before eating each morsel, it was dipped into our own personal dipping sauces. I'm boring, my dipping sauce is a little Chinese BBQ sauce, a little soy and some hot sauce. Henry's is much more involved and includes a raw egg.

Then we watched Ryan tear into his gifts. :)


Happy Asian Pacific American Heritage Month

According to this link, APA Heritage Month is to celebrate Asian and Pacific Islanders in the U.S b/c the first Japs came in May and the intercontinental railroad (mostly by Chinese laborers) was completed in May. I'm acknowledging it about 18 days too late. It's not really as obvious as Black Heritage Month, so I'd like to use that as my excuse. And I forgot.

Dinner with us are usually rowdy but when in public, we try to be a bit more civilized.


Nora’s Wedding

++Edit: I took the photos out.++

Yesterday was a perfect day for a wedding. It was warm, with no visible clouds, and a slight breeze. The drive wasnt bad at all. It took about an hour, including a stop to get gas and breakfast. (It was Steve's idea! He complained he was hungry!) Alan & Nora used the same judge that presided over Oda & HG's wedding. It was a quick ceremony. Steve & I got there about 10 mins prior to the ceremony starting. But we werent the latest ones. Technically, we werent late. The invite said 11:30am. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it!

Cocktail hour was an event NOT to be missed. There was a station for sushi. Rows upon rows of rolls. One could swim in it if one wanted to. It wasnt the generic chinese buffet rolls either. I didnt make a stop (I didnt have to- a platter was left at my table courtesy of HG- he had to take family photos), so I dont know exactly what was there. Then there was a station for chilled seafood, which consisted of whole lobsters cut in halves and shrimp cocktail. Steve went to one of the hot cooked food stations and got himself lamb chops and steak. There was another station of cooked food, but I dont remember what it was. I now regret not eating much at that time. That car ride, although it wasnt bad at all, got me a little sick. We were then ushered into the dining area and waited, with some games and dancing in between, for our entrees. Man, them old people know how to cut up a rug. Lots of music for the waltz and some other old music that these folks knew how to dance to. And not just a little two-step. It was real deal, show dancing. They were my entertainment before the entree. Dessert was excellent, too. Chocolate fondue, ice cream & apple pie, some type of cake, cheesecakes, tarts, and fruits. All in all, it was several hours of yummy deliciousness!

Oda made me get up to catch the bouquet, and I tried to hide. Many a'times. When I saw her coming, I'd run the other way and hide behind someone. Of course, she saw me, and pointed. So I ended up standing at the back of the single females, and hoping that Nora couldnt throw far. It was a good throw, but the stupid chandelier was in the way, and it hit off of that. A little girl picked up the flowers, but was forced to give it one of the bridesmaids. Steve didnt even bother going to catch the garter. By the way, I'm glad only the older folks danced. I'd be ashamed to watch these younger kids embarrass themselves on the dance floor. I dont think many of them knew how to dance.....including, sad to say, the groom and his brother...

Nora's dresses were amazing. My favorite was her wedding dress, of course. Although the red one was real nice too. I thought the pink one was pretty, but not as nice as the others. Oda had a very nice dress too. Very provocative. I dont think I have a picture of her back, but if I find one, I'll post it up. Let's just say, if I didnt have an imagination, I didnt need one! Haha. Okay, it wasnt bad. A fat chick wouldnt have been able to pull that off, I tell ya'! The men looked regular. Steve, of course, looked the best with his peach-colored shirt. He didnt take his jacket off so you couldnt see that it was short-sleeved. I was able to sneak a photo in, though. :-)

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